- Proviso Township High School District 209
- What is a Career Pathway?
CTE and Early College
Page Navigation
- Welcome from our CTE and Early College Director
- CTE Enrollment Policy
- What is a Career Pathway?
- Current Pathways at Proviso
- Early College Credit
- Apply For Dual Degree Program Here
- Apply For Dual Enrollment at Triton College Career Academies Here
- Apply For Dual Enrollment at Triton Here
- Apply For CTE Program Here
- Apply For Dual Credit at Proviso Here
- Dual Enrollment Career Academies Cohorts SY25
- Dual Enrollment Career Academies Cohorts - SY26
- Potential Future Pathways
- Apprenticeship/Internship Opportunities
- Additional Resources
- Find Your Ideal Career Path
- More Information on CTE and Early College
- Becoming a Dual Credit Instructor at Triton College
- Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment Important Dates
- Dual Degree Important Dates
- Fall 2024 Semester Dual Degree, Dual Enrollment, & Barber/Beauty Academies Calendars
- Non-Discrimination Statement and Title IX
What is a Career Pathway?
According to the Illinois State Board of Education, Career Pathways are defined as “a combination of rigorous and high-quality education, training, and other services that aligns both vertically and horizontally across Secondary Education, Adult Education, Workforce Training and Development, Career and Technical Education, and Post-secondary Education systems, pathways, and programs.”
There are 7 Pathways:
Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR)
Arts and Communications (A & C)
Finance and Business Services (FBS)
Health Sciences and Technology (HST)
Human and Public Services (HPS)
Information Technology (IT)
Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT)What does this look like at Proviso Township High Schools?
Scholars will receive the soft skills and knowledge, both academic and technical, essential to pursue a full range of career opportunities within several pathways— varying from entry-level to management and including technical and professional career specialties. These afford them the opportunity to earn stackable credentials in the form of Dual Credit, other industry-recognized credentials and certificates.
We will accomplish this through:
- Distinctly defined Career Pathways beginning in the middle grades result in intentional program completion, stackable credential opportunity and thorough post-high school planning for all students providing our students an equitable experience.
- Increased enrollment and opportunities for dual credit, both in-house and at Triton College, Dominican University, and other post-high school institutions.
- Increased work-based experiences through volunteer opportunities, internships, job shadowing, and potential for paid summer employment.
District 209 offers the Career and Technical Education Program, in which admission cannot be denied on the basis of a student's race, color, creed, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or social or economic status.