School Nurse
Maria Delgado
Illness During School Day: Going Home Sick
If a student feels ill during the school day, that student must obtain a pass from his/her teacher and then meet with the school nurse. The nurse will determine if it is required that the student be sent home due to illness.
If it is determined that the student will go home, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian and the nurse will determine how the student will be transported home. The student must report to the Attendance Office prior to leaving.
All class absences on that date after a student is sent home due to illness will be considered authorized absences.*Students who fail to follow this procedure will be subject to disciplinary consequences. All subsequent class absences after the student leaves the building for the day will be considered unauthorized.
Health and Safety
Immunization, Health, & Eye Examination
In compliance with Illinois state law, District 209 requires all students to have a complete health examination with a current immunization record and complete medical history (the physical exam form may be a comparable report from a former school or a new report from a local physician). Diabetes screening and BMI must be completed at a school physical. Tdap is a required immunization for all students to be in compliance with Illinois state law. All students must show proof of a health examination and immunizations prior to or on the first day of school. If health examinations and immunizations are completed and in the health care office by June 1, you may be eligible for early registration.
All students are required to present appropriate proof that the student received a health examination and the immunizations against, and screenings for, preventable communicable diseases within one year prior to entering the ninth grade; and enrolling in an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of the student’s grade.
The required health examinations must include a diabetes screening (diabetes testing is not required) and a statement from a physician assuring “risk-assessed” or screened for lead poisoning.
Failure to comply with the above requirements by October 15 of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the school, subject to certain exceptions. New students who register mid-term shall have 30 days following registration to comply with the health examination and immunization regulations. If a medical reason prevents a student from receiving a required immunization by October 15, the student must present, by October 15, an immunization schedule and a statement of the medical reasons causing the delay. The schedule and statement of medical reasons must be signed by an appropriate medical professional.
Eye Examination
Vision Screening: Vision screening will be done, as mandated by the Illinois School Code, for Special Education students, transfer students, and students referred to the nurse by teachers. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening IF an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous twelve (12) months and if that evaluation is on file at the school. This notice is not a permission to test. Vision screening is NOT an option. If a vision examination report for a student is not on file at the school, Special Education students, transfer students, and students referred to the nurse will be screened.
All students entering the school for the first time must present proof before October 15 of the current school year of an eye examination performed within one year prior to entry to the school. Failure to present proof by October 15, allows the school to hold the student’s report card until the student presents: (1) evidence of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within 60 days after October 15.
A student will be exempted from the above requirements for:
- Religious or medical grounds if the student’s parent/guardian presents to the building principal a signed statement explaining the objection;
- Health examination or immunization requirements on medical grounds if a physician provides written verification;
- Eye examination requirement if the student’s parent/guardian shows an undue burden or lack of access to a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches who provides eye examinations or a licensed optometrist.
Student Medication
District Medication Policy - Parents have the primary responsibility for administering medication to their children. When parents cannot administer medicine, or it is medically necessary to give medication during school, the medicine must be supplied by a pharmacy labeled container (over-the-counter medication in original container) and locked in the nurse’s office. We must have written parental permission for all prescriptions and over-the-counter medications and written doctor’s orders for all prescription medications. Aspirin, Tylenol, cold tablets, etc., should not be sent in an envelope or a bag but the original container.
Taking medication during school hours or school-related activities is prohibited unless necessary for a student’s health and well-being. When a student’s licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is required for the student to take medication during school hours or school-related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child by completing a “Student Medication Authorization Form.”
No school or district employee is allowed to administer to any student or supervise a student’s self-administration of any prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed School Medication Authorization Form is submitted by the student’s parent/guardian. No student is allowed to possess or consume any prescription or non-prescription medication on school grounds or at a school-related function other than as provided for in this procedure.
A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen®) and/or an asthma inhaler prescribed for immediate use at the student’s discretion, provided the student’s parent/guardian has completed and signed an Authorization for Student Self-Medication Form. The school and district shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from a student’s self-administration of medication or epinephrine auto-injector or the storage of any medication by school personnel. A student’s parent/guardian must agree to indemnify and hold harmless the school district and its employees and agents against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of a student’s self-administration of an epinephrine auto-injector and/or asthma inhaler, or the storage of any medication by school personnel.
Guidance & Counseling
The school provides a guidance and counseling program for students. The school’s counselors are available to those students who require additional assistance.
The guidance program is available to assist students in identifying career options consistent with their abilities, interests, and personal values. Students are encouraged to seek the help of counselors to develop class schedules that meet the student’s career objectives. High school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to receive college and career-oriented information. Representatives from colleges and universities, occupational training institutions, and career-oriented recruiters, including the military, may access the school campus to provide students and parents/guardians with information.
Communicable Diseases
The school will observe the Illinois Department of Public Health recommendations regarding infectious diseases.
Parents are required to notify the school nurse if they suspect their child has a contagious disease. In some instances, students with an infectious disease may be excluded from school or sent home from school following the notification of the parent or guardian. The school will provide written instructions to the parent and guardian regarding appropriate treatment for infectious diseases. A student excluded from an infectious disease will be permitted to return to school only when the parent or guardian brings a letter from the student’s doctor stating that the student is no longer contagious or at risk of spreading the infectious disease.
Head Lice
The school will observe the Illinois Department of Public Health recommendations regarding head lice.
Parents are required to notify the school nurse if they suspect their child has head lice. Infested students will be sent home following notification of the parent or guardian. The school will provide written instructions to parents or guardians regarding appropriate treatment for the infestation. A student excluded because of head lice will be permitted to return to school only when the parent or guardian brings the student to be checked by the school nurse or building principal, and the child is determined to be free of the head lice and eggs (nits). Infested children are prohibited from riding the bus to school to be checked for head lice.
Health Services
Going to the nurse during the school day
Whenever a student finds it necessary to go to the nurse during the school day, he must obtain a student pass from a teacher for that particular period.
All notes pertinent to health, written by parents or doctors, must be filed with the Health Service to the nurse's office at the time of the injury. Notification of any exclusion from Physical Education activities for medical reasons will be forwarded to the P.E. Office. Medical problems must be listed in the Nurses' Office.
Emergency Information: Emergency information forms must be completed and on file before the end of the first week of school. In an accident or serious illness during the school day, school personnel uses this information to call parents or other responsible adults. We must have the current phone numbers of responsible persons who can respond in a timely manner to a child's injury or illness. Please include personal doctor and hospital phone numbers and any medical problems.
Doctor’s Note
A doctor’s note stating that a child may return to school is required for admission upon the return of any child who has been hospitalized for any reason. We also need readmission notes from the doctor of any child returning from the treatment of a communicable disease or serious injury.