• The Proviso East High School Auto Club is designed to give students an opportunity to learn and gain experience in the automotive area outside of regular class time. The Auto Club is open to students currently enrolled in auto classes as well as students not able to take classes but are interested in automobile repair. During Auto Club students bring in their own vehicles, friend and family vehicles, or work on current auto shop vehicles. Students participate in learning how to fix brakes, steering and suspension systems, electrical, diagnostics, heating and cooling systems, welding, body work, and exhaust systems. We also participate in community service projects throughout the year to give back to the Proviso community.

    Sponsor's Name:  Mr. Robinson

    Email Address:  drobinson@pths209.org

    Meeting Room:  Auto Shop

    Meeting Day(s):  Tuesday

    Meeting Time:  3:30 pm - 4:30 pm