• Targeted Instructional Area

    Proviso East High School's Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) has worked closely with staff to identify our Targeted Instructional Area (TIA) and a Powerful Practice. A Targeted Instructional Area is a school-wide instructional focus.  Staff provides students with regular practice in the particular area of focus in all their classes.

    We have a common language,  process  and approach to address the TIA and the Powerful Practice. Together, they are not only intended to increase student success, but to also support the expertise of the faculty, required the staff to learn and use new approaches and work collaboratively.   The Instructional Leadership Team has spent time in the planning phases of our TIA and this year intends to implement our TIA: Problem Solving.  

    A Powerful Practice is an instructional practice or skill that 

    • Connects to our Targeted Instructional Area
    • Incorporates higher-level thinking
    • Can be used and is relevant in real world settings
    • Is determined based upon student achievement data
    • Is relevant in academic areas beyond the TIA

    Our Powerful Practice is Argumentative Writing. 

    The TIA and Powerful Practice applies to all disciplines and students at all levels-of learning.